Monday, October 31, 2005

an area of my life i realize i need to fix...pronto!

GOD is helping me to watch my eyes,
GOD is helping me to guard my heart;

and now... i realize i need GOD's help guarding my mouth. i do not naturally speak foul words, but lately...i've been rather 'creative' with some double entendres, especially in regards to Dating, Marriage and Sex taught by the great Brad Seeman...

i do not use his name as a double entendre, but his class...*sigh* oh the (horrible) things said by me and others in regards to his class.

i cannot control the actions of others, but i can work at taming my tongue. it is a hard task, because what is meant to be witty has become something that has a sexual taint to it. this is something i need to GOD's help alone! so often i think i can make it on my own, and when the going gets tough...i'll let GOD take over THEN, not before. i am learning to give it over to him completely... such as the incident of Aribert Heim; all this and much more i am learning to give GOD completely from the moment it occurs.

so... i'll leave it at that, may GOD help my somewhat vulgar tongue, on second thought, it is a vulgar tongue that i have! (for which i am not proud.)