Wednesday, October 19, 2005

i am fraying and yet...

i opened up to stephanie last night about what's been going on in my life as well as what's really been happening in my life... it's the first i've talked to her and leveled with her that deeply; she is a friend, but sometimes i considered her a friend by way of *H*, my sister and a close friend of hers...

but the line was crossed last night; i shared some intimate details to the stuff that goes down in my household and things i did in the past that i regret (but not in a way that'll bring me down).
she became very detailed and direct to me in regards to her own life as well as some friends... it was an awesome experience to delve deeper with someone; to provide clarity to scenarios that are otherwise left unknown and undisturbed.

i am frayed; but GOD is the knot of my life, so while i may break, i know i am secure in him and i am ready to face whatever else lies before me.
i am not feeling melancholic as i was last night, i feel good to share how i REALLY feel with someone who cares to listen instead of just someone nods their head and says "uh huh" to everything...
communication is everything; and i am learning to become more of an open book to those i know and trust... i let them in because they care and are there, not because i am desperate and will wear my <3 (heart) on my sleeve to all...