Wednesday, June 28, 2006

in one week...

I am old,

or at least I'll be older by one year in a week.

oh my! 22! I think I found a gray hair! I should work on my 401k plan!

I'm not that worried... it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I'll make a poem about this 22 business,
but work is early in the morning, so... I'm going to bed now.

sheesh, I must be old - going to bed at 10:00, who does that?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

So I decided to take up Peter (Youth Pastor of Christian Worship Center) and his advice to get spiritually busy, not boring, this week. I spent a great deal of time in prayer as I worked and I spent some time doing my regular devos... I say this not to brag, but just mentioning how I was spiritually busy...

Well, satan apparently did not like the fact that I was busy in this way and so this is what happened this morning...

I was asleep and dreaming about the future with my wife, son and I, and it was very realistic and visible - dreamwise. In my dream, I was holding my son and talking to him in babytalk and he was smiling.

At that time in the physical world, I physically felt something land on me with a thud, in which it - a demon - stabbed me in the back and in my head, in which he physically paralyzed me and he altered and destroyed my dream.

My dream continued, but to my shock, my son died in my arms and it took on disgusting characteristics, such as horns, demon eyes and triangular teeth. I tried to break free from this attack, but the demon persisted. I then mustered up as much strength as I could at 5 in the morning, and I rebuked the demon in Jesus' name. Then, and only then, did the demon leave.

This happened this morning, satan is trying to attack and break my family apart, he has even gone to my mother to negotiate some things she does for God's kingdom...

Don't ever think that both worlds (physical and spiritual) are apart from one another,
both collide with each other.

Going on by God's strength alone,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

(Jesus Loves You in Russian)

One of the places in which I worship besides my home church (Naperville Presbyterian Church) is Church of God in Downers Grove.

Now I have been attending this church for over a year, on and off due to college amongst other things. I was invited by a classmate of mine at Waubonsee, I was intrigued because it was (and still is) predominantly Russian Charismatic.
Now my home church is Presbyterian, and the stigma on the Presbyterians is that there's no swaying, no clapping and such things associated with church of this nature, very true for my church for the most part and because of it, we're known as the "Frozen Chosen."
Back to the Church of God... I haven't much knowledge about Pentacostal and Charismatic churches except for what I've read but never experienced, so when I went to Church of God for the first time, boy was I suprised! They're really big into the gift of talking in tongues, so...yeah...I'm surrounded by people who talk in tongues (but I'm a bit skeptical, later blog post).

I enjoy it greatly!
Not because of the jumpers, the speaking-in-tongue people, or the pastor who delivers great messages. I enjoy it because I connect with God in a way that is outside of my norms and my culture, I'm a white suburanite who loves God, but not in the way that is like this. I admit that because of my mental barriers, I do not jump with the rest of them, I don't know- I don't feel comfortable doing such.

So, if you're the type who like challenges, go to a church sometime in the near future that is different than your usual place of worship, for example - if you're a Baptist, trying going to a Presbyterian... But this is just an example of an extreme case! Just kidding.

Going on by God's strength alone,

Serving God with my hands...and knees!

This is in reference to my job,
because I am getting affirmation from my co-workers and from my boss; the good job and pat-on-the-back sort.
Now in my stupid human mind, I've been feeding off of this for a short time! I (in my mind) have been soaking in the glory of doing a good job... God has a way of smacking the proud around, and simply put, he got me to my knees!

Ya see, I was working hard today and yet God was telling me that regardless of what I was doing, I wasn't doing it with a good heart. God nudged me into doing some lowly and on my knees (literally!) work, this was painful and made me feel very guilty of my previous attitude of being better than my co-workers.

All in all,
it was a good day, a good and tiring day, but I'll be taking a nap soon and I'll be able to recover for the same stuff tomorrow.

chao and God bless!

Friday, June 16, 2006

my job...

check it out in black and white, silent form!

p.s. don't hate the art, I am no artist... such is what happens in said cases...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

first payday of the summer.

Now I'm not one of those people who is money crazy; I make it, but not necessarily to spend it ASAP... anyway, after taxes I am 321 dollars and 88 cents richer, whatever...

I am not poor, by no means from a global perspective,
I am not rich either, but I wouldn't want to be anyway.

A part of me is disgusted by money, or how it is spent when spent in a wrong way- I don't need to go into detail in how money is spent in a wrong way, just check the news...yeah, check it.

I do have expenses, but the things that I plan on spending money on this summer (in a fun way) are the following;
*Digital Camera - I'm thinking an SLR, high quality and I want a good camera... Now's my chance!
*A sewing machine - For my friend's birthday which has come and gone, but I want to get her one.
*A cell phone  - no frills, but something low costing, 'cause I want to have it for a while, even when I'm in school.

Yeah, besides that...
It'll be deposited into my bank account.

So when it comes to money, I like it when I spend it in a wise way.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Waiting, Praying and Moving forward...

As I think and observe life/etc. in the quietness (hard to find, yet I have some.) I am listening and hearing things that I once didn't;

As if my pulse comes to a stop,
as if every noise is blocked out,
peaceful silence.

I reflect various things in these moments of tranquility,
as if I have to prepare myself for rougher times ahead
or perhaps back into the world with all its pain and suffering, which I still feel in some ways during the silence.

The hardest part of silence for me is when it stops,
when life picks up where I left it,
and the drowns me sometimes...

A silent life, I'm sure I could do with one,
silence of the non-human sense, I like the sound of rain falling, birds chirping, wind blowing in the breeze and such things as that.

Back to the noise...


Monday, June 12, 2006


I was driving and listening to some Five Iron Frenzy, Dandelions to be specific, and this is a part of the song...

Lord, search my heart/create in me something clean/Dandelions/you see flowers in these weeds...

And...well, it made me sad at heart; You see, there are a lot of flowers in my life and yet I sometimes I treat them like the weeds they aren't.

I actually have a good record of not losing friends, but sadly, those that I have lost I regret...

I need to see past the flaws, which isn't easy for me to do or anyone else for that matter - everyone is a flower in someway, but I...I too easily spot the weedy characteristics.

And... a final poem, a gloomy one, yet such poetry is what flows out of my soul.

Untitled Girl 1
She looks out into the abyss,
She tries to smile and yet-
Yet her eyes are wounded by tears,
her ears are hurt by the audible pain,
her smile is genuine, but she can't hide the pain well from me.
I feel your pain, I really do-
My tears go out to you and I pray,
I pray that this will all be over for you soon,
In this life...In this life.
May God enwrap you in His love.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Last post of the night...

This blogpost, that is.

Work tomorrow begins at 6, I rise with the sun at 5, and in between the hours of 6 and 2 I work, but I also pray.

Prayer - a vital communication line between me and my Father in Heaven, how I love to talk to him outloud and in silence.
Silence, listening to God without noise- both from Him, but also from me, how loud my life is at times...And these are those times in which my life is LOUD!

Nothing wrong with a life that's loud, but when I hear more of me than God, yeah- that's a bad thing...

So to those who are connected to God, pray; It is vital to your life spiritually.

Good night and God bless,

Friday, June 09, 2006

day 4 and 5 of work...

*Day 4*
Dusting, Dusting, Dusting... About 7 out of the 8 hours working was spent dusting. In my busyness, I have found quietness in which I pray - I do some praying while working and it is something that helps the day pass... Not that pray just to get the day over, but rather I pray to help me to have a good attitude about what I'm doing - especially when I spend 7 hours dusting!

*Day 5*
Today I spent a great deal of time dusting, but not as much as yesterday. I cleaned/vaccuumed/dusted some furnaces, they haven't been taken care of in quite some time now, so they were dusty to the max! I will probably be doing more of them on Monday, but for's my weekend!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

2nd day o' work

This is to be tired, not bummed...

T'was a good second day at work, it started off slow but it picked up quickly. I spent the first 3 1/2 hours taking out trash; the reason why it took so long was because I had to take out trash from the classrooms, but also from what was left in the hall by the teachers, which was okay until several of the bags I tossed out (unknown to me at the time) were too heavy and so they split! I was pissed! But I kept it on the downlow and proceeded to finish up the work... After taking out the trash, most of the day was cleaning and dusting classrooms, this work was easy, but very time consuming. That was the end of the day.

Here's a synopsis of the people I'm working with;

Dave - An older guy, a Oklahoma native who used to ride bulls for a living...quite the character and his southern drawl is authentic.
G - An older guy, has done this job before and he's very friendly and easygoing- I don't know how anyone good get on his bad side.
Mike - The boss, new to the job, but he's very helpful and friendly.
Jeremy - The other college student, History major at Aurora U. and is very helpful and easy to get along with.

God gave me a wonderful day,
but as a result of working hard- I am t-i-r-e-d!


Monday, June 05, 2006

2 photos, 2 good and one bad...

My new job...yeah, early mornings! This is a pic of the clock at the time I woke up or close to it. Basically it is a job in which I do random janitorial services... In a way I am doing the same things I do for my family (sans painting) for 9 dollars an hour.
I am not used to an early morning, but I did get to see the sun rise over the horizon, it's been a while since I've seen one of those.
It is good to have a full time job, I'm glad it doesn't severely mess with my days because I get out at 2.

On a sad note, my sister's cat (Abbey Cat pictured with little Ben.) passed away 2 nights ago... Abbey (give her some love or a kind note, or both!) is saddened, we all are saddened.

Abbey Cat was 12 years old, she was a wonderful pet for my sister and for all of us, she will be missed. This also happens to be the last photo I took of her.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Now this isn't a spiel about me being holier-than-thou (I'm not), nor is it a case to burn books (I don't think so), but rather a sarcastic trip into sexuality in books...

This book was checked out by my sister of 15 years, my mother proceeded to take it away from her and I can only assume that she's read a great deal of it already...

Now I skimmed the book and I was hocked and shorrified to find a sex scene in the first 2 pages! I skimmed more and they dropped the f-bomb like if it was nothing! More sexual innuendo and other explectives follow throughout this book.

Now as a reader for 18 years going on 19, I have never read such crap in my life! It is intended for her age of reading group, but c'mon! This stuff is...crap!

By no means am I going to give a when I was your age rant/rave, but I will say this...or rather the Bible will;

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Now don't think that I am double-talking in regards to putting things in Spiritual and Sacred boxes, everything should be placed in the Spiritual box, but some things don't fit whatsoever...

Besides, I'm the big brother (sibling, not government) and I don't want any of my sisters (or I in some form) to read such rubbish.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

The spiritual world is beating loudly in my ears, it is not a two dimensional world, but it is one that is active in the life in all saints and sinners (though we're all in the latter category). How it strains against my heart sometimes, how it pulsates with the tension of good versus evil, God versus satan... As always, satan is trying to break me from spiritual limb from limb, I feel the pain in a spiritual way, but in a physical way as well.

This old body of mine is tired, it wants sleep and yet it does not come. It is time for change from within that will flow outward...I can feel God moving; not only does God move, but he changes things for the better.

I am reminded of the hymn It is well with my soul by Horatio G. Spafford in which this is why he wrote it...

This hymn was writ­ten af­ter two ma­jor trau­mas in Spaf­ford’s life. The first was the great Chi­ca­go Fire of Oc­to­ber 1871, which ru­ined him fi­nan­cial­ly (he had been a weal­thy bus­i­ness­man). Short­ly af­ter, while cross­ing the At­lan­tic, all four of Spaf­ford’s daugh­ters died in a col­li­sion with an­o­ther ship. Spaf­ford’s wife Anna sur­vived and sent him the now fa­mous tel­e­gram, “Saved alone.” Sev­er­al weeks lat­er, as Spaf­ford’s own ship passed near the spot where his daugh­ters died, the Ho­ly Spir­it in­spired these words. They speak to the eter­nal hope that all be­liev­ers have, no mat­ter what pain and grief be­fall them on earth."

Triumph in the midst of tragedy and yet it is well, it is well, with my soul.

Such has been my life,
my spiritual life has also been on this up and down path for quite some time now, but still...God is still in control, and I can say that it is well with my soul albeit at times it is sung quietly and not outloud.
