Tuesday, September 20, 2005


For some odd reason my room mate Zach has made me out to be his scapegoat. For those of you who don't know what a scapegoat is, here's www.dictionary.com definition:

scape·goat (skpgt)n.
One that is made to bear the blame of others.
Bible. A live goat over whose head Aaron confessed all the sins of the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement. The goat, symbolically bearing their sins, was then sent into the wilderness.

He may do just for fun, but it irks me...
He blames me for his slothful behaviour,
He blames me for waking up early
He blames me for waking up late,

His words are not getting to me, but his constant annoying behaviour of passing the buck is driving me mad...to him.
He should have the chutzpah to be responsible for his actions.

not a scapegoat to anyone,