Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ever think that you can talk/hangout/etc

to GOD only one day of the week?
Wrong! GOD is always there to talk and hangout with you,
are you willing to take him out of the 'GOD box'
and letting him be apart of everything you do?
Let GOD out of his box
that we so often place him in
and let him be in all that you do.
I sometimes confine him to one part
of my life, it is something that I do
without much thought. I am working at
letting him in all of what I do and all of who I am.
What's holding you back from letting him take over completely?
Try to let him be in all
instead of just one area of your life!

letting GOD take over all of me,


Anne Robertson said...

Amen. Check out Blowing The Lid Off The God-Box by Anne Robertson (Morehouse, 2005). That's what the whole book is about.