Wednesday, September 21, 2005

highlight of the far.

My co-librarian gave me this suggestion:
"what is the highlight of your day?"
Figure out what was the best thing that happened
and share it...usually we swap highlights and such...

My highlight was unusual;
it was during a time in which I was going off in Spanish, which I sometimes do
and someone questioned me when I stopped:
"Hey! Are you Latino?"
I almost laughed hard enough to keep me going,
but I had to contain it since class was starting...
Latino? Me? sure...when I get a good tan in the summer time - was the response I gave her.
So, being deemed "Latino" was the highlight of my day.

Latino when the sun burns my external melanin,


Anonymous said...

Knowledge Deficit
September 21, 2005 4:48 p.m. Starting a discussion of the supply curve or price elasticity of demand can be a good way to clear out a crowded room.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a diet site/blog. It pretty much covers diet related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time:-)

Anonymous said...

-_^ ladies dig the browness? sure...