Saturday, September 10, 2005

My car...

- 1990 Honda Accord
- 215,xxx miles as of today's driving
- F22B (The Engine Code, if I am not mistaken)
- 125 horsepower
- 137 torque
*purchased brand new back in 1990. It's not 215,xxx miles on the engine, the first one blew 25,xxx miles back. It's 215,xxx on the chassis...*

- It has nice pickup if needed and known how to get it
- A simple durable car for commuting in
- I know the car well; by handling, sound and other things that become second nature when you're a driver of the same car for a while
- Gas mileage; 20 to 25, not the best... yet better then some cars of that era.

- One speaker! The other one blew out a while back and I attribute it to the wiring/speaker
- Key gets jammed in the ignition during midwestern winters
- D4 has slow pick up but consumes less gas, D3 has great pickup, but consumes more gas
- It's out here with me at Judson now, which means it'll be a while till my family picks up a 4th Honda, which means my sister is irate (to what extent, I do not know).
- I haven't driven in a month, but by listening to it run and stuff, it sounds like one of the cylinders is almost gone! This could hold potential problems for me out here... I wonder what they did to it? (*It; I'm not a car-namer at this time.)

Though this car is older and is somewhat worn down, it has been in my family for nearly 15 years and it is good for getting from Point A to Point B. I never thought about modifying it (I won't), but if I were to do so, I'd get some JDM parts and an H22 for fun - 200 to 220 horsepower from a JDM Prelude, which is a potent in itself, but can be tuned even more so...
It may be just a car, but it's my this time
vroom, vroom!


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