Sunday, September 18, 2005

email from my youngest sister...:)

It's so encouraging to get emails
- from family
- from friends
- from those ya know
- etc
- but not from SPAMMERS!
this is an email from my youngest sister.
It's so encouraging that she's doing well in the various things
she's involved in these days...
I am her only brother
and I am glad to have gotten to know her well
and she also has stolen some of my mannerisms and such, it's okay by me.
It's interesting to see this in her,
right now she likes I do
she sticks out her tongue in disgust/ I do
she and I have some other similarities as well.

Here's to my youngest sister
and her nice email
to me
her brother - I am so happy and humbled...
p.s. - it may look distorted, so click it and select full screen, if not already.

thank GOD for sisters,