Wednesday, September 14, 2005

it's hard to explain, but...

When I was walking over to the Commons; cafeteria, etc.
I walked past the library and I saw someone on the bench...
not weird in itself, but the person look EXACTLY like KatieH!

Katie is someone I worked with at my church for the last two years,
who got me interested in Judson,
who helped me to get the experience of YouthMin firsthand,
who I owe a lot of thanks for letting me work along side of her. :)
Back to the story...
so I walked past and she looked like KatieH
- when Katie was on the phone
- when Katie smiled
and when Katie put her glasses on top of her head...

Perhaps it was God using this 'mystery Katie' to remind me of where my roots of helping out with YouthMin began. In that, I miss her and what she did with those Jr. Highers back home; they miss her and what she did with and for them.
I am usually looked as #2 Jr. Leader of All Time to some of those at CHAOS, second to Katie...
I pray that Jonathan does a good job at leading them, having fun and teaching them about God. I pray that Katie is doing well wherever she is...I wish she was still there at CHAOS, but life sometimes gets in the way of things

I <3 what Katie did for those kids,
and for leaders like me...
