Tuesday, September 20, 2005

current people to pray for...

(C) - She has strep throat at this time and...yeah,
strep throat and for her son Ben to get it from her.
bad times if this does happen, but then again he could hangout with me and go to my classes.

Fansong - Still working out the quirks in regards to staying out here
for an additional semester. As well as missions trips/etc in that regard

Zach - He's becoming to be more of a slacker in some areas,
a better attitude as well...

myself - my schoolwork, younglife work and all that stuff.
pray that i start having a better attitude to my roommate, i'm secretly edgy at him.
pray for sleep... i sometimes feel unrested, but getting better. Zach's a snorer, so sometimes i wake up to his snoring.
*to Ashley W.* - you know who you are, beware of your fiance's snoring, you may lose your hearing...;)

that's all for now.