Tuesday, September 13, 2005


No! I don't mean the band...
Abba, as is the word Jesus used to describe his Father, his Daddy...

This is what chapel was about today, our relationship with our father in Heaven and the relationship Jesus had with him while he was on this earth in human-form.

I admit, that there are times in which I cannot call GOD by such names,
my relationship with my (earthly) father is not the best and
so sometimes I cannot address GOD by such a term of endearment.

But as CHRISTians we should work at calling God our Abba, our Daddy. We were set aside before the world was created to be his children. We are God's children and he wants to have a good father to child relationship and he wants us to do likewise.

The interesting exercise/test of sorts that was part of the message in chapel
was to write a note of prayer to GOD,
with our opposite writing hand!
Since I'm a righty I wrote with my left...
the illustration in this was that when we were done writing, it looked childish - And so we should come before God, as his children
because as CHRISTians, that is who we are!
I <3 my Father/Daddy/Abba in Heaven!