Friday, April 28, 2006

Implications for the "straight and narrow"

I am back, but soon I too will leave Judson College for home... but that's besides the point. My blog post has to deal with what I started thinking about 2 weeks ago as I was trying to get some sleep; *note to self* I was trying and yet I was awoken and I started writing and writing... well, you get the picture.

As I was trying to get some sleep in, my mind started thinking about the metaphor of the Straight and Narrow; this being the path that followers of Christ tread, which differs from the path everyone else walks upon. As I thought about it, I started wondering if an opposite road exists, a road that is Crooked and Wide, a road that leads to death and destruction.. For me, I think of the straight and narrow to be a road that followers of Christ walk upon in a single file line, a road that has highs and lows, a road that takes a lifetime to walk upon and yet for those who remain faithful followers of Christ, they neither waiver to the left or to the right as the road does not either.

On the other hand, those who trod upon the crooked and wide, march and stomp, shoulder-to-shoulder like soldiers off to war. This road is twisted beyond belief, and since it is a shoulder-to-shoulder march, it is very self-seeking and serving, a kind of race that everyone is out to win and claim the role of victor... But alas, this road only leads to death.

What a contrast these roads are! The life of a follower of Christ and the life of someone who does not follow- Within this statement I've made, I want to make it clear that there is no alternative, there is no third road to take - Either you follow God or you don't, it is that simple in an ironic way.

The straight and narrow is a long and difficult road, but it is the road that leads to life everlasting, "through many dangers, toils and snares I (being Jesus) have already come - Amazing Grace."
We as followers of Christ can have the strength to carry on, and when we are weak from the journey, He will carry us.


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Thank you, Nathanael, for sharing this meditation on the straight and narrow. I especially liked the way you contrasted the straight and narrow as a road that we walk on in single file. Very much like something I wrote in my latest blog entry, "…all we see is the Way, the narrow way one lane wide, the one way street of the ONE commandment, the new ONE commandment of the new Paradise, "love one another."
The contrast to the road crooked and wide being traversed by wanderers walking many abreast is quite original, but it makes sense.

I hope when you're home for the summer you will continue to blog from there. I visit your blog every day. Keep yourself fresh, stay on that one way road, and pray hard, for the time is near.