Saturday, April 01, 2006

I am in that state of being that is half conscious and yet work needs to be done, would it be better to get an hour nap in than to just study and not grasp what I am learning?

I think an hour nap will do me good.

Weird...naps, that is- I never took naps as a child and sometimes when I would have a babysitter who wanted me to take a nap and I did not oblige, the babysitter would lock me in my room...
Yeah, my life has, interesting to say the least.

P.S. only one person (thanks Justin!) guessed on the truths and the lie in my life, oh well... I don't care too much, but, whatever - Xanga is not real life, it is just a momentary lapse of reality in which anything could be expressed if one felt like it, but, that's how I think. I'll post the truths/lie answers...later.

I do love reading blogs,
but perhaps not as much as reading them,
but I have scriptophelia and so I write...
