Friday, April 21, 2006

I would like to make an online apology...

I have already done it in person, so here it goes:

If you read my blogpost from a couple days ago, I was rather pissed because I thought my roommate was being academic dishonest, that is, I thought.
It was brought up last night between me, my roommates and one of the RA's, and my roommate acknowledged that he did not do anything that was academically dishonest...

I feel pain for making my roommate something he wasn't,
I let my feelings, my rant/rave get the better of me
and he (my roommate) wished I addressed the subject with him moreso,
I did, but then again I did it from the 'way we do it' back home, which is a combination of telling someone, but not in a long conversational kind of way.
I won't blame how I was raised, but in some situations if you decided to tell someone the errors of their ways, it was a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" kind of scenario.

I hate confrontation,
and in my zeal to settle this thing (or not settle - rather blog out my frustrations)
I have wronged my roommate,
I have sinned against God and Man-
Stating someone as dishonest and not having facts to lead into that directon, or even talk to my roommate directly ABOUT it.
There's guilt on my heart and it pains me greatly,
I apologized to my roommate, and even though there is only one week of school left
and we'll be roommates again in the Fall, there is a need for sincere and honest healing.

I have come to realize how much of a Christian community it is at Judson,
and when this was addressed in front of one of my RA's, I started thinking
If only the various circles of fellowship of believers was like this
Because this here at Judson, from my perspective would be great to live out in the real world apart from the Judson bubble. In my own family as well, but it is a process...

Another thing I realized is that I need to be careful what I blog,
to rant/rave is one thing, but to blog it for all of Judson and the world to possibly read is another. I guess I've forgotten how public blogging is, even when it seems it's not. I need to be careful with my words, I need to be careful with what I blog.

So, that's all I have to say, except that I am so sorry to my roommate and God for this route of communication that I decided to do, I should have brought it up thoroughly to my roommate, instead of just collect bits and pieces and write it off as a whole truth, again I am sorry and please forgive me for my actions that have taken place on this blog.



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Yep, brother, you done the right thing! I have done things like this many times, and continue to do so some times. It's a common form of self-deception. The rule of thumb I try to follow is, when something looks wrong with someone or a relationship, unless it's a matter of life and death (I mean that literally), it's best to wait a day or two, sometimes longer. Sometimes things sort themselves out "without a shot being fired."

As a dad, I've learned to practice this extensively. As a result, I still have three sons living with us under the same roof, until they're ready to go, 'cause we give them room to make their mistakes and recover.
