Saturday, April 08, 2006

Out into the world and back into the Judson bubble...

I am out in the real world often enough, but on weekends I am usually here on campus... homework can be such a drag.
Anyway, I went to Mitsuwa for 2 hours or so, it was awesome to pick up buy it to try it items- I am not afraid to try anything new, but I have to be careful what I buy because I am a vegetarian... So I bought some seaweed (oldie, but a goodie) and some green tea and taro pastries... Very different, they are good... I guess, but they each look like fat grubs instead of pastries... Green tea grubs anyone?

I also bought some Pocky, but that is a very common staple for us Gaijin. I also bought some different kind of add-hot-water-and-seal-it-for-3-minute-and-it's-done kind of meals... I had one for lunch and it wasn't that bad; it included some sauces and mustard, it improved the dish greatly, I think that even if you don't like the seasoning in such a meal, use it- It's there for a reason...

I also bought some Nori Hineri Norisuke which translates to Horseradish sticks, not bad, but I got a hankering for Wasabi Peas and they were out!

And I also bought some Green Tea hard candies, no word on this yet, but I am sure they'll be good...

Now I like to try and buy, and I have only bad memory - last time I bought preserved tofu in a can, and it was preserved... but for too long! I almost lost all the contents of my stomach after eating this...gross!

And on the way back I braked quickly behind this guy because he did as well, but because of this he put his car into park and hopped out and flicked me off and called me a flipping flipper...Some people are so...yeah, I don't need to lower myself to his level.

Alrighty then,
back to homework and reality...