Sunday, April 16, 2006

change of tunes...

The song I have selected is Spartan by Five Iron Frenzy... It is ska and I enjoy it, but in case you don't, here's why I selected this piece...

I am, Spartan
close my heart so tight
Save me
from myself tonight

This... This is my heart's message; I am my own worst enemy and only by God's strength I can proceed through life.

Short, Simple, Sweet - *sigh* :D


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Great song! Simple and true!
I don't usually recommend the writings of Roman Catholic saints, but I make an exception for Francis of Assisi and his companions. Have you ever read the Sayings of Brother Giles (Egidio, in Italian)? This is usually included in editions of "The Little Flowers of St Francis".
Here's a couple of Brother Giles' sayings relevant to the song you've posted.
A great degree of humility in man is to know that he is always opposed to his own good.
Always fear and beware of yourself—and of anyone like yourself!
Maybe neither of these sayings really relates to the song, but I think they might; but even without them, I relate to the song just as it is, because there is no greater truth I know about myself than that I have to constantly war against my flesh, and sometimes I lose. And when I win, it's only because I have let the Lord take over the battle. So, with the singer, I say again, Lord, save me from myself tonight!
— Romanós