Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Serving God with my hands...and knees!

This is in reference to my job,
because I am getting affirmation from my co-workers and from my boss; the good job and pat-on-the-back sort.
Now in my stupid human mind, I've been feeding off of this for a short time! I (in my mind) have been soaking in the glory of doing a good job... God has a way of smacking the proud around, and simply put, he got me to my knees!

Ya see, I was working hard today and yet God was telling me that regardless of what I was doing, I wasn't doing it with a good heart. God nudged me into doing some lowly and on my knees (literally!) work, this was painful and made me feel very guilty of my previous attitude of being better than my co-workers.

All in all,
it was a good day, a good and tiring day, but I'll be taking a nap soon and I'll be able to recover for the same stuff tomorrow.

chao and God bless!