Tuesday, June 06, 2006

2nd day o' work

This is to be tired, not bummed...

T'was a good second day at work, it started off slow but it picked up quickly. I spent the first 3 1/2 hours taking out trash; the reason why it took so long was because I had to take out trash from the classrooms, but also from what was left in the hall by the teachers, which was okay until several of the bags I tossed out (unknown to me at the time) were too heavy and so they split! I was pissed! But I kept it on the downlow and proceeded to finish up the work... After taking out the trash, most of the day was cleaning and dusting classrooms, this work was easy, but very time consuming. That was the end of the day.

Here's a synopsis of the people I'm working with;

Dave - An older guy, a Oklahoma native who used to ride bulls for a living...quite the character and his southern drawl is authentic.
G - An older guy, has done this job before and he's very friendly and easygoing- I don't know how anyone good get on his bad side.
Mike - The boss, new to the job, but he's very helpful and friendly.
Jeremy - The other college student, History major at Aurora U. and is very helpful and easy to get along with.

God gave me a wonderful day,
but as a result of working hard- I am t-i-r-e-d!
