Saturday, June 03, 2006

Now this isn't a spiel about me being holier-than-thou (I'm not), nor is it a case to burn books (I don't think so), but rather a sarcastic trip into sexuality in books...

This book was checked out by my sister of 15 years, my mother proceeded to take it away from her and I can only assume that she's read a great deal of it already...

Now I skimmed the book and I was hocked and shorrified to find a sex scene in the first 2 pages! I skimmed more and they dropped the f-bomb like if it was nothing! More sexual innuendo and other explectives follow throughout this book.

Now as a reader for 18 years going on 19, I have never read such crap in my life! It is intended for her age of reading group, but c'mon! This stuff is...crap!

By no means am I going to give a when I was your age rant/rave, but I will say this...or rather the Bible will;

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Now don't think that I am double-talking in regards to putting things in Spiritual and Sacred boxes, everything should be placed in the Spiritual box, but some things don't fit whatsoever...

Besides, I'm the big brother (sibling, not government) and I don't want any of my sisters (or I in some form) to read such rubbish.
