Wednesday, September 09, 2009

God doesn't need our help*

*But he does invite us to be apart of something bigger than ourselves at times, but sometimes he does it on his own WITHOUT us doing anything...

I was reminded of this last Saturday at The Orchard, when we were having our little "meet and greet the person in front of you" time. The person I greeted was actually someone I know, someone who was akin to a boss 6 years back. The guy was a gruff, Army strong, kind of rude and drill sargent-esque. He was still someone who pushed me along, encouraging me but from a "tough" perspective, I absolutely did not like the guy completely.
Getting to know him then a part from the activity I was apart in which he was the boss, he seemed cold and calloused, distant and made sure to keep work at work and regular life separated from the task that was at hand.

When I greeted him on Saturday evening, I saw a glint of excitement in his life, a sense of 'something-in-my-life-has-changed-for-the-better-for him' vibe came over me, be it God or having an intuition of knowing when someone has changed for the better...believe it or not, it brought me to tears, not out of sadness but out of happiness for God moving in this guy.
God did not need me in this situation, he may have used another brother or sister in Christ, but the fact remains he doesn't need our help but he does invite us to be a part of it.
