Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I tweet therefore I am(?)

Descartes said:

I think therefore I am..

I say:

I tweet threfore I am(?)...

But I do leave it as a question; am I truly what I tweet? Am I truly wrap-upable in 140 characters or less?

Well...Yes AND No.

To the few that actually follow me on Twitter (which is not open to everyone) I might seem bipolar; I am using words that aren't part of everyday vocabulary (unless you're a sailor or you're, well, me) and I offer up TweetPrayers, Father God...and 130 characters of praise or concern, prayer but in tweet form.

But, while that is me in a nutshell, I am not contained to the nut. For as you get to know me I am pretty "out there" will a bunch of my passions; people, Youth Ministry, communal/intentional/relational ministry, social justice, photography and cars to name a few.

Just so I don't throw you for a loop if I happen to meet you and you ask me some questions, I won't shy away, but being blessed with being extroverted and very introspective, I might take some time pondering and thinking out my answer (I look inside before I answer). I'm not socially shy, but I want to make whatever I say count for that which really does require some thinking about.

I am those 140 characters, but I am so much more.
