Friday, May 05, 2006

Reading Relevant Magazine...

And I came across this quote/lyric line:

Derek Webb of Caedmon's Call says this by way of their song "A King & A Kingdom"

There are two great lies that I've heard:
"The day you eat the fruit of that tree, you will not sure surely die"
And that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class Republican
And if you wanna be saved you have to learn to be like Him

I had to smile a little smile after reading this; You see, there are people in my church and elsewhere who tend to believe (to what extent, I don't know) that if you're some how politically affiliated APART from being a Republican, well... You're not a Christian.

I know some of you will be reading this, and I don't mind how you vote and how you think, but listen: Make sure that you are thinking for yourself and not by way of parents/pastors/etc. beliefs...

And for those of you who are followers of Christ who read this and don't vote Republican - Props! - Thanks for dialoguing with me on this, 'cause I have my own biases even though I don't vote Republican most of the time.

Have a good day,
shalom and l'chaim!



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

There was a temptation to regard George Bush as a new Constantine for a new Byzantine American Empire, even though he isn't an Orthodox emperor; but as a matter of fact, most Greek Orthodox vote Democratic. I am a hereditary Republican, and I usually have voted a straight ticket. But this next election, who knows? Really, I am kind of an anarchist communist with a strong theocratic bias—mainly because as a historian, I've noticed that all governments, like our flesh, exhibit a built-in law of failure. I do think, though, that the original American constitution is a pretty perfect system, as far as it goes. Unfortunately, it's been hijacked by every political slant. Consequently, I have fallen back to the anarchist communist (not Marxist-Leninist) theocratic attitudes of my youth… only now, I no longer think my ideas will be the salvation of mankind. I trust Jesus Christ alone for that!