Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Lately I have been running around, been rather busy, been involved with Young Life and all the while I've been acting like a chicken with it's head cut off. But God has been speaking to me, he's been subconsciously been telling me to breathe...

*breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...*

The cycle is repetitive, but I'm not catching my breath and sometimes there's not enough of oxygen and I pass out... figuratively speaking of course. But it is true, I've become too busy for my own good and sometimes I suffer the consequences - that is, sometimes it piles up deeper and heavier, and I must climb out of the mire, I must climb out of the pit...

but this is how I do it, how I do anything for that matter: source I do it with God's strength:

What does this look like? I have yet to see the teleological implications completed, but what I do know is that every breath I take is a gift from God, every day I'm alive is a gift from God. His breath, his strength is my breath and my strength - I cannot carry on living as if I were in control, as if I were the master of my own life...

So breathe good friends/readers/etc. - Breathe because God is the giver of breath, the giver of every good gift.



Anonymous said...

Funny you should write this post about "breathe in, breathe out" because it is breathing and also heartbeat that the Orthodox fathers who teach hesychía (prayer of silence, or of the heart) link this prayer to.

When you breathe in, you say, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God," and when you breathe out you finish by saying, "have mercy on me, the sinner."

It's because we take in the all-holy and all-powerful Divine Name of Jesus when we take in a breath; we exhale our simple need to the Lord, that He have mercy upon us.