Friday, August 25, 2006

somethings for you the reader to do if you would...

1. Pray for guidance and direction for the following
2. Read Matthew 26:11
3. Read Matthew 25:44-45
4. Check out these photographs by a person who goes by the moniker Stoneth


After viewing them myself for the first time last night,
I was saddened for the people present,
Reflective on where I am, what I have been given and so on and so forth.
Gripping might be the word to describe it,
but to me it speaks at a noise that is louder than thoughts and more intimate than words...

I am not poor by any means,
I used to be on a technical level much different that what these people are experiencing, but what sticks to me through all this is - What can I do?

A part of me really wants to get out this comfortable life that I am in
to get out on the streets and experience this kind of poverty,
to find God at the lowest place I can think of.

Because think of this:
A little light in a dark room no longer makes the room as dark,
it is brighter, way brighter when there was no light at all.


So at this time, I may not step out of this comfort zone,
but one day... One day I very well might.
