Thursday, August 24, 2006

By God to me,
By Others to me,
By Me to others...

But, first a bit of a true metaphorical story chock full of goodness.

I was driving back on Monday from my hometown back to school for the second time, and as I was driving along, this girl in a Mitsubishi Galant gives me the look. Not the look of I-want-your-telephone-number but the one of what-can-your-car-do look. She takes off to go the speed limit and a little over, so I follow her a bit behind her.

She drops back and gives me the look again, as if to say-
"So what are you waiting for?"
In which this time I pursue her and keep up with her for 30 minutes, not miles.
She smiles now and then, as if to make it known that I'm doing okay.

At the light prior to the light at Wal-Mart in Elgin, she turns and that ends our pursuit of one another.

One of the ways pursuit is defined is
"an effort to secure or attain."
And I can say with confidence, that I am out to pursue others, in particular people I have left on the wayside of life, people I have not given up on, but still haven't given them their rightful amount.

I'm being pursued by God as well;
God is challenging me, stretching me, tearing me apart and putting me back together.
It's a painful process, but I am willing to be broken down and brought back up again.

Are you being pursued by God?
Are you pursuing others?

just something to think about.



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

I like this post very much, but it also reminds me of one of my very favorite songs by The Call, "With or Without Reason", which I have posted in my blog, both lyrics and a link to download a copy of the actual song.

Two lines in the song came to mind as I read your post:

"Either in or out of season
the hunters still pursue the game…"

"Either with or without reason
the stronger still pursue the weak…"

My blogpost with the song is at: 2006/07/with-or-without-reason.html