Monday, August 28, 2006


a part of me is behind in one class homework wise,
and one part of me wants to write blog.

life is good,
but only because God makes it so.
I'm tired and weak,
but God gives me the strength to go on.

I'm not giving up on various family members,
I'm not giving up on the task ahead
And as I've read in the Ragamuffin Gospel I am not deserving of grace,
but God gives it to me regardless of what I've done and where I've been these last 22 years of life.

I'm finally accepting (I got it a long time ago) that I can come to God
"just as I am..."
I've been pushed down with theology of 'one must come to God in better condition, and not in a fallen state'. I've also getting over that 'God loves good people' in which I am not, but that's okay, God loves bad people too.

I'm a bad person because of my flaws, my inherited sinful nature (thanks Adam and Eve! ), etc... But God accepts me and forgives me, I'm a broken vessel and God is putting the pieces back together.

And for the last thing, and yet not related-

Question: Is common sense not that common?


p.s. I'd like responses if you wouldn't mind...


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Common sense is getting to be less common these days, as people drift away from the common ground of our existence… God!

It seems to me that in the church I am finding there are two kinds of vessels, the intact ones and the broken ones. I'm in the second category. I find that the pieces don't go together sometimes, yet God finds a way to get me back into one piece for the next time I go for a flying leap.

Broken Christians, though, make the best witnesses of grace. If we've never let ourselves be broken, and reassembled by God, what can we say to the vessels broken but not ready to be put back together?

Just rambling, my friend, just wanting to touch you where you are…

Go with God, dear brother, and pray for

Romanós the sinner