Monday, July 10, 2006

work...6 weeks running

One thing I know from work experience is that you always leave with more than you did when you first started; I'm talking about experiences...

For me, I have a tangled web of various jobs I have taken, some good and some bad, but still, I have gained experience.

Here's some of the things I've learned from each of the jobs (including my current one) and perhaps you'll learn something.

Cutting Grass - My first job was cutting job for various people, from that job I learned how to cut grass the right way.

Sci-Tech - This was my first 'real' job outside of cutting grass and babysitting; It had all the appearance of a good job, but alas- It was not so. Not only did I get (pardon my french) screwed at the end of my time there, but I also grew very hateful (I am no longer) to my co-workers and people who put on the facade of it being a legitimate place of work. I learned from this job that things aren't always what they seem to be, and to take what happens and make something out of it - preferably something good over bad.

McDonalds - Yes, I the vegetarian once worked at McDonalds! Here too I learned that things aren't what they seem to be. I also learned that Latinos were the majority (people wise) and yet the minority (for what they did there); I learned to be more respectful and helpful to the Latino workers, because the other people did not always help them as well as they could. It was a fun time when we were working at a good pace, but when the crap hit the fan, watch out!
From this job, I learned to share the gospel openly to my co-workers, in which there were several followers of Christ working the same time I was! That was a blessing. I also learned the importance of advancing in education; No offense to my McDonalds co-workers and McDonalds employees everywhere, but no one can support oneself on 6.00 dollars an hour, I feel bad for those people who support more than themselves - if you want to know about McJobs, click here.

Working with Chip - Chip is my neighbor from across the street from where I live; Chip is a young man who has some disabilities, and as a result of his mother's job changing, she needed someone who would stay with him for a couple hours a week. I have never been really uncomfortable with people who have different disabilities and what not, mainly because my parents worked with such people before my sisters and I were born, they had plenty of students, and so I met a lot of them. I worked with Chip for 2 years, and I am greatly blessed by God for this opportunity, not because I followed in my parents path, but because I experienced working with Chip - He taught me a great deal.
I also enjoyed playing basketball and baseball with him, I even saw him play baseball on the team he's a part of. It's a fun time for both the players and the fans.

The Ben/Library on Campus - My first job away from the Aurora area! The reason why I took this job was to make a little $$$ while at Judson College, in which I may need to do again in the Fall, but not necessarily at the Library. I enjoyed this job because I always wanted to have the experience of being a Librarian, since I totally dig Libraries...I'm a big reader, so it comes naturally.
I enjoyed this job because I learned the various methods of shelving, though only one is used at the campus library, it was a fun and unique experience.

Janitorial Services - This is my current job, and I am learning a lot...maybe too much! *wink* Well, this is what I am learning...
I am learning that it is best to do a good job of whatever you do, I do this in my house, but I am learning about how sometimes co-workers will slack off and (pardon my french again) do a half-assed job, and then someone will have to come back and fix the crappy work that has been done - aka ME. I am also learning that I can easily tune out my co-workers (a good thing here) and just pray, 'cause sometimes I really don't care what my co-workers are talking about, it isn't the best of things to talk about...yeah, no comment here. I also know from experience to not be homophobic, nor racist or sexist, but by way of co-workers, I am learning about people who are; It's rather disturbing to hear my co-workers pick on someone because they're a different race or a different sex, what can I say to them? I really don't know, because they seem rather...once again, no comment.

That's a lot of typing,
but...I don't mind sharing a bit about my work history.

Take care and God bless,