Saturday, July 15, 2006

a bittersweet day

Yesterday was a bittersweet day...

I woke up at 3ish in the morning to my father crying; the night before his pet rabbit Laffy-Taffy died, and because of that he cried. Now here's the thing that gets to me, I don't recall the last time my father cried, it's just something he doesn't do... I find that a bit sad in its own right, but the fact that he lost his pet, saddens me as well.

Still, the day was far from over.
My mother's cat died as well; this time it died by being putdown. It wasn't doing so well and so they had to put it down.

So 2 of our family pets died in the same day,
and we're catless...which is kind of weird.

Even though it was payday, it was a bittersweet day-
I guess that was the only sweet part of the day besides going to church last night.
