Monday, July 03, 2006

some thoughts...

God - Hanging in there with Him, walking and talking to Him and just praying for friends, for enemies, for peace and for change. I feel like a young baby or a koala; that is, I'm clinging on for my safety and refuge - I cling because He is my life and all that I am.

Sleep - I am having a hard time sleeping at night, it comes from being tense and just dealing with life in my family. I may just be an insomniac who shouldn't be - due to work at 6 in the morn. - but maybe I am... Oh well, at least I have time to pray even more so.

Prayer - I am liking my job for this reason only. I tend to work by myself at work, so I seize the opportunity to pray as much as I can.

My Mouth - I am too verbal to my mother and other people who have annoyed me to some degree, as a result, I suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. One of the things I have been praying for is that I shut up before I say something I shouldn't. It works sometimes...sometimes...

Life - It's stressful to be truthful, and sometimes I feel like grabbing my stuff and just hitting the road; But I am trusting and relying on God to get me through. I know I can do it, but sometimes I just need to get out of this body of mine and just go on a vacation...

Conviction - I have been convicted by God by way of the song God's gonna cut you down by Johnny Cash; while I live a decent life, there's always room for improvement - and so, by God's strength alone, I'm changing...again! Everyone is changing in some way or another.

Writing - As of recent, I haven't written anything, but the poetry bug is biting and I have 6 or so in my head, waiting to be pumped out on paper; Sorry to you the reader, the poems are of a sensitive nature and so I will not be publishing them here or anywhere else...

And...that's all I have to say!

Have a Happy 4th of July and a 5th! Due to it being my BIRTHDAY, I recommend having a good day.
