Sunday, July 02, 2006


as it is- or better put,
what I'll say and what I don't.

Guarding my heart and watching what I say, that's been the hardest thing I've been doing recently; Not even my 40 hour job, my work with CHAOS and Young Life has been as hard.

Other things in my life;
1) Prayer
2) Devotions
3) Life apart/a part.

Prayer - The good thing about my work is that at times I can tune out my co-workers and other distractions and just pray. I've been praying for friends, their lives and loved ones, the ones who know God and those who do not. I also pray for my own scenario - which is a rough bit of ground to stand on at times, but God is good! (never a cliche phrase of mine.)

Devotions -
I'm not doing them as regularly as I'd like to, but when I get a chunk of time in which to do them, I do! It's good times... I'm also plugged into my church and the Russian church, a great blend of styles.

Life apart/ a part - How I cling to my Father in Heaven, and how I pray for my earthly Father.
It's a long climb uphill...

See ya on the flipside,