Saturday, July 08, 2006

Another event happened in my life the other day...

As of 7/7/06 - I have been a Vegetarian for one year! My younger sister Charity has told me that we should eating chicken, *sigh* sisters and their ironic ways.

For me, it hasn't been too difficult with being a vegetarian; I admit that the first 2 1/2 months were kind of a downer, being that I quit eating meat in the summer/barbeque season.
I never did eat much meat previous to being a vegetarian, I didn't eat out much and I didn't like fast food, I ate mostly homemade dishes of chicken.

Although I will continue being a vegetarian for a longer period of time, if I go back to eating meat, I'm going to try the unusual stuff such as:
*Cow Tongue

This may seem sick, but some people eat these things! I even know where to get some of it, but at this time -

I'm still a vegetarian!

Be nice to animals and don't eat them (entirely joking).


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Sorry, Nathanael, but I missed wishing you "happy birthday" on the actual day. To make up for it (and I WAS thinking of you that day), I want to offer you the lyrics of Melanie Safka's song "I Don't Eat Animals." You're too young to know this song, and Melanie faded out, so you may have never heard the song. It's worth listening too, though, and fun singing, especially if you are a vegetarian. Here it is:

I Don't Eat Animals
by Melanie Safka

I was just thinking about the way it's supposed to be,
I'll eat the plants and the fruit from the trees,
And I'll live on vegetables and I'll grow on seeds,
But I don't eat animals and they don't eat me,
Oh no, I don't eat animals 'cause I love them, you see,
I don't eat animals, I want nothing dead in me.

I don't eat white flour, white sugar makes you rot,
White could be beautiful, but mostly it's not.
A little bit of whole meal, some raisins and cheese,
But I don't eat animals and they don't eat me.
Oh no, I don't eat animals 'cause I love them, you see,
I don't eat animals, I want nothing dead in me.

A little bit of whole meal, some raisins and cheese,
I'll eat the plants and the fruit from the trees,
And I'll live on vegetables and I'll grow on seeds,
But I won't eat animals and they won't eat me,
Oh no, I'll live on life, I want nothing dead in me,
You know I'll become life and my life will become me,
You know I'll live on life and my life will live on me.