Friday, June 25, 2010

Gay Pride is on my mind

Well because I and some friends are meeting up with people of The Marin Foundation.  I am excited to go and BE the church to individuals who may have not experienced Christ's love but the church's wrath towards homosexuals, directly or indirectly, and maybe they have experienced Christ's love through the church, but I can't say all or some in this matter.

The word of what I and my friends (including the pastor's son) are doing has spread around my church, and initially I was a little bit hesitant; okay, so what are they going to say about __________? My anxiety was self induced, because when I've open up to my bros and sissies in Christ at The Warehouse, I've received nothing but love and affirmation for what we'll be doing.

*sigh of relief*

Because in some of the church circles I've circled (and since exited) there was a mentality of US vs. THEM, us God fearing, Bible verse memorizing, flannelboard using heterosexuals...against homosexuals, because they surely don't love God because they're "walking in sin", right?



I never thought that way, I did at one time have Love the sinner hate the sin in my arsenal of things-Christian-guys-steeped-in-the-church say, I shudder when I think I said something as stupid as that.

Well I got better as they say on Monty Python, and in my growing I've gotten to know individuals who are like minded and like hearted as to getting out in the trenches and off their knees in church. It's not so much a battle of us versus them, it's a battle of what we hear versus what we should do. Definitely we should take in God's word, but we should ultimately apply it. It's a shame and a waste to learn and not do, I'm sure God nods his head and sighs when he sees his creation not loving as he loved, not showing mercy to those who are and aren't deserving of mercy.
Perhaps we love others as much as we love God? Perhaps we should love others as much as we love God.

I have learned a lot over my 25 and soon 26 years of life,
and I still have much to learn,
but I truly think that if we love the ones the world (and church at times) loves to hate, this thing of hate will no longer exist, and perhaps we'll make this world a better place. Let love ring loud and strong, let us love with not words or tongue but in action and in truth.
