Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ministry insights: why I am not throwing it away...

The relationships I have going with the students I hang out with.

Life at this time is very hectic at this time, and as a result my time has been altered and my quest for finding a job has been rather slow. I do get out and apply at a lot of places both near and far from my house, but lately, looking for jobs has become a full time job. As if that were not enough, I also have a class that I'm taking at the local community college, I have a wonderful girlfriend I like spending time with, I am involved with my church's middle school group, I am involved with Young Life, I am mentoring a young guy from my church, I am helping my mom as she recoups from surgery.


Needless to say, I am a bit on the tired side with everything I have going on. But you know what? I wouldn't trade any of it away, I simply wouldn't.
My father (earthly) has talked to me about dropping EVERYTHING to spend more time looking for a job, he has gotten under my skin about a lot of things, but to say that I should throw away the relationships I have going, the ministries I'm involved with... simply, it is something I WILL NOT DO!!! (There, I said it.)
My father tried to explain to me that once he got his psych job, he dropped everything (including tuitoring some people) in pursuit of the job. That saddens me to think that he dropped all for a job. While a job is important, I could never be that callous to the point where I screw everything I (by God's strength) have been doing+being. My father can and does cut such ties in his life, back then to now, the ties that bind are either loosely assembled or they're not even there, I will never do such things as that.
So even though I am busy like no other, I will continue on with what I have & looking for a job as well. I do not want to be one of those people who builds relationships and then walks away from them, it would hurt me, but possibly hurt more the other people involved, as one of the guys I hang with said last night "You've become a part of our lives, you've become a part of my life" - and while I don't puff myself with pride on this, I am humbled and thankful to God for those people who have not only been ministered unto me, but also those who (in their own certain ways) have ministered to me.



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

I thought I left this comment, but it's not showing up. If this is a duplicate, please discard it.

With all due respects to your Dad, there is nothing merely earthly that is worth going down for, when you have been raised up by Jesus.

Even Confucius says things like, "When you have a choice between doing something right and something that makes money (but isn't right), choose the right." Now, if this is true for enlightened philosophical pagans, it's true of Xtians, or at least should be.

I am an example of one who chose the right over the profitable. It has made most of my relatives my enemies in the long run (not blood-sucking enemies, just people who hold me in contempt), has lost me all the prestige and professional "respect" I ever had, and has even marginalized me at church. But fortunately, I don't care.

It's sad when a person loses the respect and love of a wife or other family member for doing right; it's quite another to experience the same loss for NOT choosing the right. It's all in the Bible.

If you choose the right persistently, young brother, you cannot avoid living a crucified life. And if there's any other kind of Christian life worth living, tell me about it.