Monday, October 12, 2009

Aggressive much? Passive-Aggressive not so much?

I think when I was born I didn't come out like other babies did; in place of just coming out of my mother's womb I am sure I was aggressive even then and so I probably punched my way out, heck I might have even been the one to tie my own umblical cord.

Hi, my name is Nathanael, I'm aggressive much and passive-aggressive...not so much.

Lately my aggressive nature has gotten me in "trouble", I say trouble with quotes because it wasn't really trouble, but more like me speaking out in truth (albeit without love) on some things that are going on within my household, and as a result my father has verbally shat all over me, great imagery right?

I aimed to keep my cool, but once he started giving me the "but...but" answers, I had enough, stop shifting the blame off of yourself and on to me! If you're at fault and you know it, grow some balls and admit it!
It hurts my heart and my mind to be the one picked on, even at my age of 25 I can't take it when people are being picked or even I'm the one who's being picked on. I cannot let laying dogs lie, especially if they've been there rotting away on the ground for a while now.

So why does it seem like I am airing my dirty laundry online and not real life with others? Well I have and those who do know my plight have been kind, loving and supporting. I say it here as well because it is stuff that is bottled up inside of me STILL, and while I don't see a counselor, writing is about as helpful as it gets for me (outside of praying and pouring my heart out to God on all this).

I recognize that if I were Passive-Aggressive in my trials and tribulations, ALL of this would be gone, I wouldn't have to deal with a father who only opens his mouth to bring me down, who treats me less than human at times, et al.
If I shut up and let what happens in my house happen, then maybe he and I would "get along", because no conflict and no strife equals no problems, right? WRONG!

Yet through all these rocky times that I have gone through and am going through, I am trusting in God and praying for it to end. Maybe it won't end while I'm still here, maybe the restoring power of God will happen when I'm long gone out of this house, and I do pray that God willing it will happen in such a timeframe! I also pray for him, as much as I want Romans 12:21 to send shapnel into him, I pray to God that even if I don't love the guy, that I will still try to return evil with good, to OVERCOME evil with good :)
It does me well to pray to my Father God, He hears me and he knows me through and through. He knows I will speak out on behalf of the enjustices I see in the world around me, perhaps this is training ground for harsher conditions? God only knows, and I trust Him for those times if they come but also now time.

I will not be quiet, I will not become Passive-Aggressive. Even though it costs me dearly, it would cost me more if I just let things go (that shouldn't be let go) in silence.