Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My God vs. I Pod

I was going to blog my summer job, but instead I've decided to write in hand parts of it and text the more interesting stuff to my girlfriend. Here I recollect the month of May on the job, in which I spent 100 percent of working outside...

I worked outside during the month of May. I planted flowers, cultivated dry ground, cut grass and other things related to outdoor work. During this time in the outdoors, I spent a great deal of time praying, in which if people knew I was doing that, they wouldn't have thought too much of it because my employer is a catholic church. The church that I worked for is one that's in my neighborhood, it's one that I've felt various fronts of spiritual warfare, some good and some bad. While working I am usually paid compliments by those who pass by -- they think I do a good job, both the local walkers, the parishioners and several of the priests have complimented me on my work. I say thanks to them, but then I offer back that thanks to God.
One day one of the parishioners told me that if she were me, she'd bring her I Pod with her to fight off boredom. I (in my mind) started thinking how the job isn't boring, because I spend time in prayer and it's an outside job (I dig the outdoors), so it's a win-win job for me. I like to commune with God in many ways, but I especially like experiencing God in nature -- sunrises and sets, lakes and oceans, flora and fauna, etc -- To talk to my Heavenly Father in this manner.
A fellow brother in Christ sent me a book called Touching Heaven - Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island pf Valaam
- as I slowly read this book (it's meaty) I recognize how some followers of Christ commune with God, tho not all of it is about followers of Christ communing in a natural way, the remoteness of the island paints a picture of how I want to get away from all this at times; all this meaning everyday suburban life. Truly I want to live and minister among others so I will be here in all this, but I want a place like Valaam, even Jesus got away from time to time with his disciples to the Mount of Olives.
In conclusion, I don't need an I Pod when I work outside (or inside as I am now) I have my God, He is all I need and all that I will ever need.



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

There were no ipods when I was a young man in Christ, and though they now exist, I've never felt the need for one, because nothing I'm doing is ever boring, and when work or travel becomes monotonous, I sing and pray, or both. I can really relate to what you said at the end of your post. Now, 32 years after I started to serve the Lord, nothing has changed. He's always there for me, and in His presence there's nothing I lack. (When I travel in the car, I sometimes listen to CDs or even the radio, but only after I've had my time with the Lord.) Go with God, my brother, and write when you have a chance.