Monday, March 05, 2007

a tribute to my mom - Nancy

My mother is an Amma for certain; she has been the one who taught me what the Bible has to say, she has been an influential person in my life, she was my teacher from K-12 (I was homeschooled), she is someone who puts a lot of Kairos into her Chronos...


But lately,
she's becoming a bit unraveled; I don't know where to begin, whether it is the recouping from surgery or the added stress of life, but... she is scaring me a little.
I love my mom, I really do, but I am stressed out by a lot of things, and sometimes I feel like I am carrying what weighs her down as well. She has asked me what do I feel/how am I taking her cancer (she's recovering from the cancer surgery, but the road is long and arduous) and I really haven't taken it all in because I have a million things on my mind.
So I guess it's here that I will express how I feel:


I feel saddened; that she of all people should get cancer, I am not stating that 'it's not fair' but then again, life isn't fair to begin with. It's just that she what she and we (my family and I) are going through some of our roughest days together and apart, the family ties that bind also cut and open wounds, deep wounds...
I also believe that God will do something amazing through her and her cancer; she has always been a very uplifting and evangelizing woman, but I believe that God will use this cancer she has for His glory.


That's the extent of my feelings&emotions about her cancer,
I pray that God removes all of it.


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

May your Mom, "Amma Anastasía", fully recover from cancer. Nancy is often used as the English name for Anastasía, which is the Greek name meaning "resurrection." My mother-in-law, Nan, was chrismated into Orthodoxy by her grandfather, Abba Theodosios, when she was about 6 years old, with the Greek name Anastasía. My wife's name is also Anastasía. Anyway, may God grant your Mom, your Amma, many, many years!