Thursday, March 08, 2007

my [chronos] clock is ticking...

...just like everyone else's...


Yet even though I am confronted with it on a day-to-day basis, I mentally flee like Jonah to Tarshish instead of going to Nineveh, I know God's watching over me, but still I plod on like I don't care... these thoughts are only momentary.
I was interrupted the other day by my old sensei from karate the other day (I am training for a half marathon) and the first question he asked me was How old are you now? I told Mr. White that I am 22, in which his face was an oh-my-gosh face, because (truth to be told) I was his pupil 8-9 years ago.
Mr. White smiled and said (in a nice way) that soon I'd be where's he's at, age-wise, that is. Mr. White did not insult me, by no means did I feel the pangs of I-am-getting-older, he said it kindly and I listened to him...


If I could always be this receptive to getting older, maybe I wouldn't be so bogged down with various things in my life. I pray that God works on my heart in regards to this, 'cause like it or not, I'm getting old!!! :)



Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

As long as He keeps dishing out chronos to us, He expects us to turn it into kairos, no matter what it takes.