Sunday, June 07, 2009

Chick Flicks don't do it for me

Pondered about in my mind from last night, but I'm writing it out today...

I am sitting here at my laptop drinking a pint of Guinness after recently finishing watching my favorite chick flick (wait, what?)

My favorite chick flick of all time...

Anne of Green Gables series

Yet the movie does me a disservice as it does for you girls who enjoy them. Sure they're funny, hysterical, makes you laugh and they make you cry, but they also create unrealistic expectations for you. It works both ways, both unrealistic expectations for guys but also for girls, and so I will say my 2 cents about both.

Guy Perspective:
Scene from Anne of green gables by mesple.

Us guys cannot be the ideal guy in these movies, but in the same way we cannot get the ideal girl in chick flicks. The girl who might avoid us in the now, but given time and different changes we eventually get the girl we always wanted and it's hunky-dory and we live happily after... Not true! I would like to wait for a particular girl, but if it's not working out now I can't hang on to the moments that were awesome and hope they'll sustain me. I have to move on, as painful as it is, I can't drag my feet. It is Hollywood telling us that there is an ideal girl for every guy, and if we buy into this lie it will cost us in time and emotions.

I don't intend to be rude to the particular girl I am talking about, but you already know some of this stuff from the note I gave you last Friday. I'd like to stay, but I cannot, it hurts too much.

Girl Perspective:

For those of you who know the series, the guy who fancies Anne (even when she doesn't fancy him back) is a young guy named Gilbert. Gilbert constantly annoys Anne, but it is his way of flirting with her. Anne sees no flirting, but just childish immature behaviour. Yet all the while Gilbert waits for Anne, pines for her and before you know it the tables have turned and she's the one trying to get his attention.
Yes, Gilbert is the ideal guy for Anne and she's the ideal girl for him. But once again it is Hollywood saying A GUY SHOULD BE LIKE THIS. There are no real Gilbert's out there, sure you might be blessed to find a guy with a few of his qualities, but you won't find a carbon copy of this guy.

In conclusion, I am hesitant about chick flicks and the ideal guys and girls they churn out (well, it's not my only issue, but the only one I'm covering here); there will be never be the ideal guy or girl. I hope that all of us find someone we can relate to and share interests with and someone we can truly love for who they are -- all flaws included.
