Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The 411 about Shutter Speed[s]

Now I know you're a smart bunch of people, but still I want to share some of what I know about photography with all of you. So I will start off NV's Photo Tips and Etc. 101 with discussing shutter speed[s] with some examples from my camera, tips about shutter speed, etc...okay? Okay!

Shutter speed is the amount of time between clicking to taking a photo and the shutter opening and closing, the faster the shutter the speed the less amount of light coming in to develop the photo and in the same way, the slower the shutter speed the more light comes into the photo, see examples below:

This was taken at 1/3200 of a second

This was taken at 1/4 of a second
IMG_5878 by you.

As you can see with the first photo there's a rough quality to it, the water's flowing but it is dark and choppy. Yet with the second photo the water looks smooth, but it is lighter.

Now these were extremes of what shutter speed is all about, I recommend that if you do want to have longer shutter speeds, do it when it is darker out and with a tripod. For photos during the day time I would say find a setting between 1/100 and 1/400 of a second, again shorter shutter speeds will produce darker photos and sometimes there will be no photo at all as a result. Yet while I say this, have fun and experiment, you never know if you never try.

Shutter speed is important; whether is to get a clear photo with a fast shutter speed or to have a nice night time exposure with a slow shutter speed.

I will be covering different software you can use for editing your photos next.


But wait there's more!

Here are some additional photos (and if you wanna see the rest they're on
my flickr account), these were faster shutter speed photos, there was plenty of light for taking them without fear of them being full of light, enjoy!

IMG_5903 by you. IMG_5899 by you.

IMG_5913 by you.

IMG_5911 by you.

IMG_5908 by you.

IMG_5895 by you. IMG_5894 by you.