Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A little bit of everything...

Life is still hectic and crazy, it doesn't slow down but, such is life, right?

Half Marathon - The half marathon in Nashville was good for my first, incline at the beginning and end, but besides that it was decent and mostly in the shade (temp - 70s). In my corral there was an 87 year old guy who was running the marathon! He ran it last year, so I'm pretty sure he was successful this year as well. My sister ran the marathon as well, in which I found out down there that it was on Sat. not Sun. (I don't run on Sundays) this irked me a little, because I wanted to run a marathon over a half, but c'est la vie...next time.

All in all it was a good race/good course, but my legs were so tired at mile 11 that I had to walk the last 2.1 -- After the race we hung out with my sister Hannah who goes to school in Nashville, it was good to hang out with her.

Chrissy - Chrissy and I have been going out for 4 months! God has been good to the both of us, she...she's wonderful and I am in love :) Ben and Billy are wonderful boys, and Billy (6 months) is growing up so quickly! Ben recently turned 4 and he is getting smarter, which means his mom and I have to be more creative.

Life - It's still very difficult and complicated, but God is good and I'm starting to make green bling/money, so I can pay my bills and do my own thing.

Friends - My circle of friends is being repaired in different ways; especially since a guy I used to dislike very much is back from school, forgiveness is what I need to ask from him for me -- I like the guy as a friend NOW...but there was a time where I could care less. Within my friends I am starting to be more open with who the real me is, I'm sharing with more people about what really happens.

Etc. - I am still active with two ministries; Young Life and within my church, I plan on getting more active with various teens for Bible studies, lesson plans and having good old fun.
I will be going to several good concert venues this summer, both with my girlfriend and also with some friends from school. I am spiritually hungry to read more of the Bible and perhaps write out my thoughts about what I read. This summer is shaping up to be a better one than usual, and hopefully I am fully ready to get back into the full swing of things in the fall.
