Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A note I found at work, I call it "good spelling leads to salvation"

Now here's a passive aggressive arguement discussion, between two individuals, I found it while cleaning up at the library I work at prior to closing.

I'm a follower of Christ myself, and honestly I don't read the Bible as much as I like to rather than I should, because we've all have been there at times with people in our lives who say you gotta read the Bible, you ought to read the Bible -- or else you're not a good Christian.

Now by those standards, a good Christian could also be the one who attends church every Sunday, and you know what, if that's a part of being a "good" Christian, I don't want to be good.

I personally would rather worship God out in my community by serving the homeless, or playing with the kids of the single mom and taking time just to hear her out instead of heap some unneccessary judgment on her head for having kids out of wedlock.

I would rather live a life outside the church (building) and live among the various children of God that God puts in my direction, that's my church. Serving God by serving others is what I love to do, it's my passion and it keeps me from growing complacent in my faith.

It keeps me from being a "good" Christian.

That's all I have to say,


Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your Blog by searching "Enjoying the Darker Things in Life" on google. I enjoy reading some of your posts, hope your life is well.

Hope you have taken some serious action.
