Monday, March 29, 2010

Advice, Knowing when to speak and knowing when to keep silence and everything in between

Now I'm kinda an advice guy; I give it, I receive it, I hear different views on subjects that interest me, I answer Yahoo Answers time to time, but one thing I can't stand is when people offer up advice that 1) they cannot follow themselves 2) they have no experience in the thing I'm asking advice for or 3) they've been outside the realm of said question and therefore they really don't know what it's like in modern time...

This time around, it was the advice from my father who shared with me his two cents on how to procure a job. Sure, he's quite successful at what he does (but at what cost? Another question for another day) and yet my relationship to him isn't father-son, it's more business/busyness than anything else, to which to say my father and I are distant, would be an understatement, but I digress...

Anyway, his approach on procuring a job is kinda radical and kinda dysfunctional, it's not the first time he's given me work-related advice, so it's kinda old hat the things he says. Well over the Christmas holiday I got an interview with a place I've been going to for a while now, the local library if you must know, and I met with one of the nicest librarians I know, so from the getgo, and the interview went smoothly. Guess what?

I got the job! *happy dance*
but to me the victory was more I didn't follow his advice at all.

Now it might seem wrong to rejoice in not following my father's advice for procuring a job, but I went in, spoke from my mind and my heart (especially what do you want to do when you're done with school and related questions) and sold my self well to the library peoples, and I was sold and I got the job!


Xangamigos, so often when advice seems necessary, silence might be the better option than talking. Advice should be given, but words should be limited and sometimes silence is all that is required, simply by being there might outweigh anything said in the moment.
- If you know your shit and advice can be given, go for it.
- If you know that words will outweigh silence in importance, go for it.
- If you know the person will be more responsive to words and you have some that'll help that person, go for it.

Yet remember silence, and use it if you need to.
