Saturday, December 05, 2009

A call to leadership on my part: Hat & Glove drive

Now I want to thank God in advance for equipping me to acting on this in the now, some things in life I have mentally thought it can wait till I'm older, it can wait till I have more financial resources but this thing I have got off the ground was without resources of my own, but just a desire to see a need get taken care of.


When I was working at the local soup kitchen last Thursday a young woman approached me as we were just getting the place cleaned up. She asked me if we had any hats and gloves, I didn't know so I asked Pam* (my boss kinda sorta) if we did and she sadly told the woman that we didn't.
Finding out that we didn't have this to offer the people who come through our doors saddened me, we do have food, winter jackets, toiletry kits, even sleeping bags to give away to those who come, but the absence of hats and gloves in weather likes this got the gears in my head moving.

Pam I asked my boss What if I get a hat/glove drive with the churches I'm involved with? She thought this was a good idea and so I text messaged both of the lead pastors at my church, I got the approval!  I was asked by one of my pastors to give a short plug about my intentions and the need that's there at the soup kitchen, I also realized that the anxieties that I sometimes have when talking in front of people was gone, but that's because I knew my audience, I knew what I was going to talk about and I have a desire and a passion to help others...thanks be to God.
I received an email from my church's secretary, she told me I have a bunch of hats and gloves waiting for me to pick up! I'm excited that people heard what I had to say and are doing what they can to see my hat/glove drive happen. My goals for the rest of the day besides the usual is to talk to some more churches I've worked with and see if I can do more of the same.


*Not her real name