Thursday, July 09, 2009

The catalysts of an ear infection

I got an ear infection when I was out in Phoenix, it isn't a painful feeling per se, but I have little to no hearing in my left ear. Back in IL as a result-
- I am having anxiety attacks
- I hear myself eat
- I hear myself when I talk
- and I am getting a little stir crazy as a result...

I don't think it is going to be a long term thing, but it sucks nonetheless. It is weird to have a right ear to balance sound out in a logical way even tho it fails at doing it with one ear, it tries but alas sounds and voices come out a bit distorted as a result of hearing through one ear.

Can I complain about this....well...yes and no;

Yes - Because it hurts to hear out of only one ear, it hurts that I am trying to look for a job and try to take in what they're saying to the best of my ability, it hurts that I am having panic attacks (never have had them before) and the problems that stem from them.

No - Because there are people out there who can't hear at all. One ear that hears is better than none, but I guess that might be contested by the deaf community.

So I guess as much as this is annoying, it won't be forever.

P.S. If you're the praying sort, please pray that my ear infection goes away. Thank you :)
