Sunday, April 20, 2008

Poem - Sight


I still have my vision,
but I can't see clearly;
I have shed many tears,
they have stained my eyes,
my heart and my mind.

I see,
but I don't see you,
I can hardly stand to look at myself
I am pitiful and I feel worthless
you were the love of my life
your sons called me Daddy
I didn't see clearly
and now I see after the fact,
I see too late...maybe?

Like Oedipus, I want to tear my eyes out
but even if I did so, my mind's eye would see more than I want to
I have a hard time seeing forward,
so much I see is in my rear view mirror
a life I once had
a woman I once called my love
two boys I once called my sons
I see what was and I can't see now.
I want to see clearly again,
I want some mud made from the pools of Salome
I want to see...I want to see,
I want to see us in the future.
