Sunday, February 05, 2006

End of the spear

It is one thing to know about what happened to the 5 men who were martyred by the Waodani in Ecuador almost 50 years later, but I have taken it a step further.
At The Ben (Judson folk will know what I mean), I checked to see if they had the January 30th '56 issue of TIME magazine, and...They did! I am not excited about part of this issue, but they do have photographs of practically what happened on the beachhead in Ecuador (where they landed, etc.) and such photos included what were the last photographs of Nate Saint or Jim Elliot, I can't remember which one was taking photographs. On the sad side, there were also photos of their bodies submerged in the water, some with spears still in their bodies...

I tell you this because sometimes doing extra research on things of this nature can be painful, and you can dig up too much...

Going on by God's strength alone,