Thursday, November 03, 2005

i am having a very duh moment...

apparently my two friends *J* and *M* are a couple... new, yes, but still...

i can tell when women are pregnant (the *glow* they have)

i can tell when someone is BSing me on how they're doing (most of the time)

i can tell when there is abuse in a relationship (it all depends on what kind of abuse it is)

i can tell when someone smiles and they just do it for "show and tell" - that is that they're going through a life-sucks-very-badly moment....

BUT THIS!?!?!?

some of the signs were there, okay
and some of their actions pointed at something more than friendship, okay

i am so DUH-minded in regards to this!
well...not that i know what's going on between these two friends of mine,
i will have to conduct myself in a way that helps them, not hinders them...
i will have to make sure i do not put my foot in my mouth and tongue in cheek at the same time!

and i wonder this sad thought; have i passed on love in my life because i was oblivious to the signs?

it doesn't dominate all that i do, but still, i wonder...